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The Showcase

The Showcase

During one of the two days of OnTheVerge, we will hold a showcase where different company representatives present exciting demos of their cutting-edge projects. McGill iGEM looks forward to helping startups and established organizations alike to share your mission and product with our audience. â€‹â€‹

Meet our judges:


  • Daniela Bernic (CRIBIQ)

  • Kimiaka-Chantal Guérard (axelys, formerly RBCx)

  • Dr. Stephanie Mouchbahani-Constance (Kli Capital)

  • Benoit Larose (BIOQuébec)

  • Antoine Jutras-Carignan (Front Row Ventures)

  • Stephanie Jecrois (Technovation Montréal)

  • Stéphane Caron (AQC Capital)

  • Claude Leduc (RNA Technologies)

  • Noura Daadaa (Google Cloud, AI in Healthcare)

  • Daniil Polykovski (Insilico Medicine)

  • Adam Simard (TandemAI and Congruence Therapeutics)

  • Dr. Jeffrey Bouffard (iGEM, Concordia)

  • Dallya Mulla (iGEM, Nomic)


Learn about our prizes (graciously provided by Front Row Ventures):

  • One startup will get FULL ACCESS to a VCBP platform.

    • Venture Capital Blueprint (VCBP) Entrepreneur: VCBP Entrepreneur is a comprehensive program designed to equip startups with the essential tools and knowledge they need to navigate the venture capital landscape. It covers everything from understanding term sheets to optimizing fundraising strategies, with a focus on actionable insights that entrepreneurs can directly apply to their businesses.

    • ​Includes all course materials, exclusive webinars, templates, and one-on-one mentorship sessions designed to help them successfully secure and manage venture capital funding.


  • Other startups (numbers to be decided): 20% off VCBP platform.

Let’s Work Together

Interested in purchasing an exhibitor table for the showcase? Select the appropriate option on our registration page, and we'll get in touch.

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